Jolly Phonics Project in the Republic of Guinea
The Jolly Phonics project in Guinea is implemented under a partnership between the Guinean government (Ministre de I’Education Nationale et de I’Alphabetisation (MENA)), Jolly Learning Limited UK, and Optimalpath Consulting Limited (OCL) – a UK based literacy organization.
The literacy project which was launched in Conakry in September 2019, has spread to all the eight regions in the country due to its visible impact on pupils literacy skills, the enthusiasm it generates among pupils, teachers, parents, and the overwhelming support and encouragement from National Government (MENA) and Regional Government Officials alike.
Under the philanthropic Jolly Futures Programme of Jolly Learning Limited, Government school teachers, School Education Directors, and Inspectors in each of the eight regions in Guinea have been trained in the Jolly Phonics method. The training sessions were conducted in two phases. In the first phase, 185 participants from the eight regions including CP1 Teachers from 48 schools, Directors, Inspectors, other government officials and community leaders received a two-day Jolly Phonics training from September 16 to October 30, 2019, and each school was provided with Jolly Phonics Kit for teachers and pupils. The second phase which covered advanced skills and refresher training was delivered in each of the eight regions of the country in January 2020.
Specialists in Primary Education duringPrimary Education Specialists at a Jolly Phonics training | Jolly Phonics training for specialist inSpecialists in Primary Education during Jolly Phonics training | One of Specialists in Primary EducationPrimary Education Specialist teaching colleagues during training | Cross section of Specialists in PrimarySpecialists in Primary Education receiving Jolly Phonics training |
Participant explaining some basic termsParticipant explaining some letter sounds to colleagues in the group | Participant teaching the sound from theParticipant teaching the sound 'c/k' from the Big Book | Participants and Trainer at the end of tClosing Group photograph of participants/trainer in Boke, Guinea | Participants learning in groupsParticipants learning in groups |
Partcipants and Trainer at the end of TrParticipants/trainer celebrating completion of Jolly Phonics training | Participants doing the action for ieParticipants doing the action for 'ie' sound | Consultation Session at Ho-Chi-Minh PolyConsultation session between the training team/stakeholders in Kankan | Participant teaching using the Jolly PhoParticipant demonstrating how to use Big Book to teach pupils in classroom |
Participants demonstrating sound actionParticipants demonstrating sound action during training |